Any recovering addict will face many challenges after treatment, things that will test you and shake your resolve. Your aftercare plan should be decided upon prior to leaving a treatment facility. If you have a limited support system, or even a negative support...
Additionally, during captodiamine treatment, psychomotor function improved in all areas tested from beginning to end of treatment [70]. It must be noted that these patients were taking relatively low doses of BZD pre-treatment [70]. Captodiamine is showing promise as...
Plus, New Life House is a long-term sober living facility, so by the time you are done with sober living, you’ll have a much great chance of staying sober. In fact, over 80% of recovering addicts who complete the program at our sober living home remain sober at the...
But adding a few hours of weekly gameplay to your leisure time can be a great way to improve neuroplasticity. Rewiring your brain might sound pretty complicated, but it’s absolutely something you can do at home. For example, if brain trauma after a car accident...
Treatment for substance use disorder can be inpatient or outpatient and is unique to each individual. NaltrexoneNon-addictive opioid antagonist that blocks the effects of other narcotics; daily pill or monthly injection. To understand more about heroin overdose, visit...
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Professional Connector
Professional Connector, a vision of Piedmont Avenue Consulting, Inc. collaborates with various companies, venues, spirit vendors, and business experts to bring together both attendees and sponsors in highly valuable events. Our events include business and social mixers, networking, tasting, workshops and more. This is an opportunity to grow your network and promote your company. We are currently hosting a growing number of 50 events each year!