Join us Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 4:30 PM PDT as we drink our favorite cocktails while connecting with fellow like-minded professionals.
About this event

This is virtual happy hour is perfect for business professionals in any industry looking for an opportunity to connect with one another. Join us for a screen to screen experience as we exchange ideas and have fun. This has been a crazy year for everyone and this is a great opportunity to build your network .

This event is great for all business professionals. Whether you work in the restaurant industrya law firm, in tech, or any other industry, there is a place for you. The best part is that it is virtual so professionals from the San Francisco Bay Area will be able to connect with people from Los Angeles, San Diego, New York, Miami, Chicago, or even internationally. Take this opportunity to enjoy a drink as you build your network for future possibilities. Don’t be shy and experience the benefits of virtual networking.



o Introduction by Host David Mitroff, Ph.D.

o Each member of the group will introduce briefly themselves and then everyone will share ideas.

o Networking with one another

This event is open to anyone who wants to network and share ideas except No MLM (No Exceptions).



David Mitroff, Ph.D. is a sought after Business Growth Strategist who shares his secrets for creating successful brands that stand out and thrive. This includes entertaining stories from his consulting work. David inspires business professionals through his keynote talks on wide range of topics such as how to build a brand with data driven marketing, digital leadership: growing your online presence, and on the psychology behind building professional connections.

David Mitroff, Ph.D. ( is the Founder and Chief Consultant at Piedmont Avenue Consulting ( David questions assumptions, offers creative ideas and encourages new initiatives from strategy through implementation.

David’s wealth of knowledge is transferred to clients leading to heightened sales, increased customer experiences, and enhanced relationship building techniques. David has an extensive educational background, in addition to professional sales training, which includes a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology with coursework in Business Administration, Legal Studies, and Marketing providing a foundation for excellent critical and analytical thinking, business strategy, relationship building, and networking.

Throughout his career, Dr. Mitroff has served as an instructor for several reputable colleges such as the University of California at Berkeley, in addition to being a featured media expert for NBC, ABC, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc. Magazine, Washington Post, Hospitality Technology, Hospitality Net and more. David has also written books on Online Business Growth StrategiesLaw Firm Business Growth StrategiesThe Event Effect, and more!

Want to learn more on how to boost brand awareness?

Want to learn more about how to create a brand for your business?

Want to learn how to promote your business?

Want to learn the best social media strategies for your business?

If you’re looking for a business consultant, keynote speaker, executive coach, or marketing expert, schedule a FREE call with David Mitroff Ph.D. to get started!

Professional Connector. A vision of Piedmont Avenue Consulting, Inc.

We organize and promote hundreds of business networking and social mixers to provide business professionals an opportunity to make new business and personal connections, build their network, find new clients, and expand their business. We work with companies to build their brand through events and create amazing launch and private parties. In the San Francisco Bay Area for the last 8 years we have hosted over 50+ events each year at such venues as Google, WeWork, General Assembly, Yelp, W Hotel, and more. We also host events in other cities such as at the Beverley Hills SLS Hotel and Portland Nines Hotel. Call us today to see how we might be able to help your company 415-360-8589 organize launch parties, recruiting events, sales events, groundbreakings ( and more!



Why & Who will benefit on this event?

Whether you are a professional service provider or a business owner, this event is beneficial for everyone. Come to seek ways to expand your network in a virtual world, while enjoying a drink of your choice.

How many people show up?

Our Virtual Events usually see anywhere from 20 to 400 people. We make sure people are open and approachable, regardless of how many people show up. You will be able to meet and talk to anyone; our greeters will be there to make introductions and keep things moving.

What to Bring:

Make sure you have your LinkedIn profile ready. Ideally, short versions like

How to Dress:

It’s a virtual event so you may dress as you like, but we all look good when we dress professionally. We always take pictures at our events, so you want to look your best!

Photography & Video:

Our events and webinars are recorded for our Websites and Social Media sites. By attending our event, you give us permission to photograph, videotape and otherwise record the event and use the resulting footage for promotional purposes. All participants at our events are beautiful people and are subject to be photographed and used to promote future events.


If you’re looking for a business consultant, keynote speaker, executive coach, or marketing expert, schedule a FREE call with David Mitroff Ph.D. to get started!