5 Tips to get more out of your offer!

So, you finally took the leap and created an offer for your business on Groupon. Think you’re done? Think again! Do you want to get even more out of your offer? How about converting all of those deal takers into long term customers? While working with Bay Area businesses like yours, we at Piedmont Avenue Consulting have found that when combined with a Groupon offer, these 5 tips can make a huge impact right now!


Create a special landing page on your Website specific to this offer. This reinforces the value of the offer, and it encourage users to take a look at other services your company offers.


Encourage users to engage in social media – Ask Groupon offer participants to like you on Facebook or Follow you on Twitter, or to review your business on Yelp. This will create even more publicity for your company!



Build your direct email list! Collect emails from those that redeem the offer, and input them into a customer loyalty program like Constant Contact.


Create customized online surveys for participants who take advantage of this offer, to gather information and intelligence on this audience.


Offer participants additional incentives to return, like 10% off future purchases, or a free product on their next visit.